The Deutz 912 series diesel engine, while a rugged, long lasting engine, can be tricky to rebuild. Take the connecting rods, a very important component of a compression firing engine. On a Deutz 912 these rods come in two different styles: weighted and unweighted and can’t be used interchangeably.
The problem comes in when you are rebuilding the connecting rods and trying to determine which style you have
Here’s how to tell them apart.
The unweighted style rod uses a 19 mm rod bolt (see Deutz part number 223 5520) which accepts a 6 point socket.
The weighted style rod takes a 13 mm rod bolt (see Deutz part number 423 4117) which also accepts a 6 point socket.
These two rod styles use the same 35 mm rod bushing (Deutz part number 337 1612).
We believe that having good connecting rods is very important so we supply new rod bolts and rod bushings along with a free Deutz Workshop Manual with all of our Deutz overhaul parts kits.
We offer additional information on how to rebuild Deutz and Perkins connecting rods on other Dr. Diesel™ Tech Tips. See for example
- Tech Tip #76: The Nuts and Bolts of Con Rod Reconditioning,
- Tech Tip # 165: Deutz 912 Diesel Connecting Rod Bolts, and
- Tech Tip: #6: Diesel Rod Reconditioning
for more information.