This Tech Tip is a number we publish regarding industrial engines. While most have focused on Perkins, Deutz, Wisconsin and other industrial engines, this one focuses on a new engine brand for us, Isuzu industrial engines. Many engine pros have complained about the difficulty they have in ordering Isuzu industrial engine parts. This Tech Tip, similar to one on how to find the Perkins engine serial number (Tech Tip #20 : Perkins Serial Numbers), shows you where to find the engine serial number on an Isuzu industrial engine.
Ordering parts for Isuzu industrial engines can be difficult because everything is based on the Isuzu industrial engine’s serial number. But Foley can help. We have listed below the location of the all-important serial number. Please note that this list DOES NOT include information about the on-the-road Isuzu truck engines. Foley Engines only supports Isuzu industrial engines used in off-road applications.
Isuzu Model Designation | Serial Number Location |
2CA1 |
Left side, lower center of block between front engine mount and starter. |
3YA1 |
Right side of block above injection pump. |
2KC1 – QT-15 |
Right front, on injection pump mounting flange. |
2AB1 – QD-27 3AB1 – QD-40 |
Right front, top part of block. |
3LA1 |
Right front, top part of cylinder block. Between the first injection pump and front cover. |
C240 – QD-60 | Left front, top part of cylinder block. |
4JA1 – QD-63 4JB1 – QD-70 4JC1 – QD-55 4JG1 / 2 4JJ1 |
Left rear, top part of cylinder block. |
4BB1 – QD-90 4BC2 – QD-85 4BD1 – QD-100 4BG1 |
Left front, top part of cylinder block. |
6BB1- QD-130 6BD1 – QD-145 6BF1 6BG1 – QD-165 |
Left front, lower part of cylinder block. |
4HK1 | Right center, lower part of cylinder block. |
6HK1 | Right front, top part of cylinder block below number one exhaust port. |
6SA1 – QD-170 | Left rear, top part of cylinder block. |
6SD1 – QD195 | Left center, lower part of cylinder block. |
6UZ1 | Left center, lower part of cylinder block. |
E120 – QD-200 6RB1 – QD-250 |
Right side of cylinder block, below injection pump and to the rear of the filter. |
6WG1 | Left front, top part of cylinder block in front of injection pump. |
Note: All directions are as viewed from the flywheel end of the engine. All serial numbers are stamped and consist of six numerical digits. Engine Model is cast on the side of the block and/or located on the identification label, which is found on the valve cover.