Helpful guide on identifying Chrysler Industrial Engines
This Tech Tip was written to help identify the series of Chrysler Industrial Engines known as the Chrysler IND30, Chrysler IND31, Chrysler IND32, and Chrysler IND33 Series. It follows on the heels of two earlier Dr. Diesel™ Tech Tips #99: Chrysler LH318 Industrial Engines; An Alternative Oil Filter and #121: Chrysler LH318 and Industrial Engines; How to Identify Them that focused on the later Chrysler LH318 and Chrysler LH360 Industrial Engines. The Chrysler Industrial Engines were used commonly in forklift, ski slope grooming machines, and other industrial applications and look similar to each other as well as the Continental flat head engine but differ in key characteristics.
Chrysler IND30 and IND31 Engines
a) Length of head
The IND30 and IND31 engines have a cylinder head that is 23.5″ long. Unlike the Continental engine, the distributor is not installed in the center of the head but on the side of the block.
The Chrysler IND30 engine has a conventional front timing chain with sprockets set up and is used widely in Yale, Clark, and Hyster forklifts.
The Chrysler IND31 engine is similar to the IND30 but is different in one major way from the IND30. It has a gear drive front end with timing gears. The IND31 engine is now found mainly in older Champ Rough Terrain Forklifts. The engines cannot be used interchangeability without changing the camshafts and front timing components.
The Chrysler IND32 and IND33
a) Length of head
These Chrysler Industrials have a 25.5″ long cylinder head but are similar in other respects to the IND30 and IND31.
The Chrysler IND32 has a conventional timing chain set up and is found now mainly in older Bombardier Sidewalk Plows and Ski Slope Groomers.
The Chrysler IND33 is similar to the IND32 but has a gear drive front end. As with the IND30 and IND31, it cannot be interchanged with the IND32 without a change in these gears and the camshaft.
Water Pumps, Head Gasket Issues and Motor Support Plates
a) Water Pumps
All four of these engines use one of two different water pumps. One pump has a bolt on by pass hose and the other water pump has a by-pass hose that is pressed on. The water pump whose by pass hose is bolted on, has a trapezoidal shaped pad with three holes, two for the bolts and one for the by-pass hose. For the Chrysler flatheads, the bolt on water pump is the most common. The water pump whose by pass hose is pressed-on has simply a nipple over which the by-pass hose slides.
b) Head Gaskets
The Chrysler IND32 and IND33 share head gaskets but there is a difference in the head gasket. One head gasket has a protrusion for the bypass. All four engines like the Continental flatheads tend to have head gasket issues. We encourage you to follow our recommendations in Tech Tip #84: Ensuring Head Gasket Longevity on Continental Industrial Engines on how to install a head gasket. It is important also to re-torque the head gasket after initial warm up.
c) Motor Support Plate
All four engines use the same motor support plate. This plate goes behind the oil pan and below the front timing gear cover and has a horizontal ‘shelf’ which serves as engine mount location. On the Chrysler IND30 and IND31 engines, this motor support plate is mounted in a low mount position. On the larger IND32 and IND33 Series, it is installed as a high mount plate.