Rockford & Replacement Twin Disc® Power Takeoff Specials


We stock replacement PTOs from the smallest 8″ clutch to large triple plate 14″ units used on large airport runway snow blowers. Call us for pricing on your exact unit.  We can probably ship it to you today!

With Fall here and Winter on it’s way, now is the time to check your PTO and ensure it is ready to go to work. For free tech help see Tech Tip #48, Maintaining Your Power Takeoff, Tech Tip #41, SAE Bell Housing Identification Made Easy, Tech Tip #67, Installing a Rockford and Twin Disc Power Takeoff; How to Remove A Troublesome Pilot Bearing, and Tech Tip #73, How to Make Your Twin Disc or Rockford Power Takeoff Last Longer.

Manufacturers names, symbols and numbers are for reference purposes only and do not imply manufacturing origin.

