Guide to safely taking care of your old oil.
While some of our Tech Support calls are about which lube oil to use in a Perkins, Duetz, or Deere engine, no one ever asks how to dispose of the old oil legally and properly, i.e. not in a dumpster. So, Dr. Diesel™ will tread where few men dare and offer some create and unsanctioned solutions:
- Make deck stain. Mix the old lube oil 70/30 with linseed oil and you will have a deck stain the local Junior League will envy. You could probably market it next summer on Nantucket.
- Add it in small quantities to your home heating oil tank.
- Take it to an equipment repair garage that burns waste oil¼ to heat their shop.
- Give it to your neighbor to lubricate the leaf springs and preserve the wood deck of his stake body trucks.
- While the first four options are not truly recommended, your best bet is to, bring it back to the guy who sold you the new oil as in most cases they are obligated to accept it back.
- Whatever you do, do not dispose of it illegally and unethically. Set an example. Go Green!

Written by Dr. Diesel
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