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Wait {{customer_first_name}}! We've got the parts to finalize your fuel pump replacement!

We have these related engine components in stock!

Don't wait until your halfway through your rebuild to order!

Solid State Distributor (sidemount)

Wisconsin VH4D / VG4D / V465D / W4-1770 Complete Solid State Distributor (sidemount)

Wisconsin VH4D / VG4D / V465D / W4-1770 Complete Solid State Distributor (sidemount)

Fits Wisconsin VH4D / VG4D / V465D / W4-1770 Engines

Part Number Reference: D41-09B

Includes 1 Complete Sidemount Solid State Distributor with Cap

Digital Shop Manual

Solid State Distributor (topmount)

Wisconsin VH4D / VG4D / V465D / W4-1770 Complete Solid State Distributor (topmount)

Wisconsin VH4D / VG4D / V465D / W4-1770 Complete Solid State Distributor (topmount)

Fits Wisconsin VH4D / VG4D / V465D / W4-1770 Engines

Part Number Reference: D41-10B

Includes 1 Complete Topmount Solid State Distributor with Cap

Replacement Distributor Coil

Fits Ford, Wisconsin, and Continental Distributors

Compare with Part Number 40501

Includes 1 Complete Distributor Coil

Wisconsin Repair Manual

Wisconsin V460D / V461D / V465D Service Manual

Wisconsin V460D / V461D / V465D Service Manual

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